
The participant participates in our event on his own risk. He solely bears both civil responsibility and criminal responsibility for all damages made by him or the motorcycle he operated, as far as herewith no disclaimer has been agreed upon. The participant is especially liable towards the organizer for the motorcycle and all personal damages, material damages and financial losses connected to it.

The participant releseases the organizer on first demand from all claims of third parties for compensation of damages against the organizer that have been caused by the participant.

For damages that occur on the motorcycle used by the participant by his own or third-party responsibility, accidental or by improper treatment or that occur because the participant did not follow the instructions given by the employees of the organizer, the participant takes unlimited liability.

With his signature, the participant declares the waive of claims on any kind of damages that occur in relation to the event, against the organizer, the landowner, all beneficial owners of the land, the road construction authorities and other persons, that are associated with the organizer and against the assistants and employees of all previously mentioned persons and authorities, except for damages arising from the injury to life, body and health, that are based upon a wilful or negligent breach of duty - also by a legal representative or an assistant of the aforementioned group - and besides of other damages, that are based upon a wilful or negligent breach of duty - also by a legal representative or an assistant of the aforementioned group -; against the other participants (riders, passengers), their assistants, the owners or registered users of the motorcycles, you waive claims of any kind that occur in connection to the event, besides of damages arising from the injury to life, body and health, that are based upon wilful or negligent breach of duty - also by a legal representative or an assistant of the aforementioned group -, and besides of other damages, that are based upon a wilful of negligent breach of duty - also by a legal representative or an assistant of the aforementioned group. The disclaimer does not cover claims against the liability insurance and accident insurance and for claims covered by these insurances towards participant and organizer. The insurances have been concluded on usual terms.

The disclaimer becomes valid with the signature of the participant towards everyone involved. It covers claims for any legal reason, especially claims for damages arising from contractual and non-contractual liability and claims resulting from tort.

Tacit disclaimers remain unaffected by the aforementioned disclaimer-clause.

The participant furthermore assures that he does not have any physical impairments and is not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication, that could possibly influence his driving ability in any way. It is explicitly emphasized that persons with heart problems or high blood pressure are particularly endangered. The road traffic regulations STVO apply.

If the participant has not reached the age of 18 yet, his parents or legal guardians are held liable.

With his signature, the participant agrees that all recordings generated during the event that show his person may be saved in the media database of Viaduro GbR. These recordings may be used for internal publications and external publications as well as for promotional purposes. Furthermore, the recordings may be retouched and/or only show sections. This declaration of consent is not connected to any limitations with regards to content, time or place.

It is not possible to participate in the event without handing in the disclaimer beforehand.

I have taken note of the disclaimer above and I declare consent with the conditions

Please write clearly!


Date of birth:


Telephone number:


Place / Date:
Signature Participant / Legal Guardian